Post-Covid Conditions and their Effects on the Cardiovascular System
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cardiac screening
Cardiovascular Disease
global health


Background: Rising global concerns about COVID-19 recently gained more research attention due to the ease of person-to-person transmission, various symptoms after healing, and the shortage of effective antiviral therapy. The study aims to analyze post-COVID conditions and clinical manifestations of cardiovascular lesions in patients recovering from COVID-19 infection.

Methods: A practical examination of the post-COVID conditions manifestation was performed in a prospective cohort study, enrolling 250 patients diagnosed with COVID-19 between June 1, 2021, and August 31, 2021. The cardiovascular effects of COVID-19 were analyzed based on another study that included 100 patients from a pre-formed group discharged from the hospital with high troponin levels.

Results: Research shows that the main symptoms of the post-COVID period were: difficulty in feeling and tasting, shortness of breath, fatigue, and muscular weakness, followed by problems of sleep and apathy, hair loss, and mobility issues. It is also important to note that approximately 20% of discharged patients diagnosed with COVID-19 had cardiovascular problems.

Conclusions: The study highlights the types of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) variants caused by COVID-19, including myocarditis, myocardial ischemia, changes similar to myocarditis, etc. COVID-19 can affect nearly all human organs and systems and are not limited to respiratory tract infection alone.

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