A characteristic type of retinal microvascular abnormalities in a patient with Neurofibromatosis type 1

Parole chiave

Microvascular abnormalities
Moya-Moya disease


This study aims to describe a typical retinal microvascular abnormality in patients with neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF-1). A 64-year-old man with diagnosis of NF-1 was evaluated by complete ophthalmological examination, including fluorescein angiography and spectral Domain OCT in Near-Infrared (NIR-OCT) modality. Slit lamp exam showed the presence of more than 10 Lisch nodules for each eye. Ophthalmic examinations and NIR-OCT scans showed the presence of retinal tortuous vessels ending in a ‘puff of smoke’ arrangement. The clinical significance as diagnostic and prognostic factor of this novel type of retinal microvascular abnormality in NF-1 should be further investigated.