Death occurred due to undiagnosed systemic amyloidosis: a case report


Amyloidosis is a disorder related to errors in protein folding. We present a clinical case of systemic amyloidosis manifesting as hypotension, tachycardia, pain, weight loss, asthenia, anorexia, dysphagia, and mood deflection in a forty-nine-year-old woman with a previous clinical history of articular and muscular pain, correlated to suspected seronegative arthritis. The blood test revealed kidney insufficiency, an electrocardiogram identified low voltages of the peripheral leads and T waves anomalies. A serum protein electrophoresis revealed the presence of high levels of monoclonal kappa free chains. The woman started to have a sense of suffocation, and after one week she was found dead in her bed. After the autopsy, the results of Congo red staining of the myocytes were characteristic of amyloid. According to the autoptic and the histological examination, death occurred due to acute cardiac and respiratory arrest secondary to amyloid cardiomyopathy in a patient with undiagnosed systemic amyloidosis.

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