Covid-19 lockdown and consequences in Child and Adolescent Neuropsychiatrists’ work and symptomatology perception



Background: The Sars-Cov-2 pandemic changed the way medical doctors visit their patients and children everyday activities, in particular during lockdown periods. Object of this work is to investigate the Sars-Cov-2 lockdown consequences in Lazio Region, Italy, from the perspective of the Child and Adolescent Neuropsychiatrists operating in the area.
Methods: With this aim, a ten questions questionnaire was arranged: it included a preliminary query on the reduction of the specialists’ clinical activity, and nine queries on the perception of changes in their patients’ psychopathological symptoms and/ or adaptive behaviors (self-care and sleep-wake cycles) during the lockdown.

Results: We found little difference in overall time devoted to clinical activities, with remote sessions largely replacing face to face sessions and the general impression of a stability in the child and adolescent psychological symptoms.

Conclusions: The informants had the impression of a general worsening of the adaptive strategies in children and adolescents with major neuro-developmental disorders, and an increased difficulty in switching off the devices, at all ages.

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