Adulterants in drugs of abuse: a recent focus of a changing phenomenon

Parole chiave

Drug adulteration
toxicological analysis
matrix screening


The adulteration of drugs of abuse is a well-known practice with alarming public health implications. In fact, the presence of other substances than those declared by the drug dealers may expose the consumers to unexpected adverse effects, even potentially fatal ones depending on the adulterant. Various adulterants are often added during the manufacturing process as cutting agent for deliberate underdosing, such as in case of levamisole for cocaine, or to strengthen the drug effect, as in case of fentanyl for heroin. The authors aimed to elaborate on such unfolding dynamics and concluded that continuous development of effective analytical tools, along with a closely focused evaluation of each case by the medical doctor is essential to clarify the origin of the intoxications, so as to undertake the best therapeutic pathway.