Therapeutic audit of patients on warfarin in an anticoagulation clinic of a tertiary care hospital

Parole chiave

Oral anticoagulant
Clinical audit



Studies have reported huge variations in the prescribing practice of warfarin. We carried out a clinical audit of warfarin use in an anticoagulation clinic of a tertiary care hospital.


Patients receiving warfarin for at least 6 months were recruited and the following details were collected: demographics (age, body weight and gender); diagnoses; concomitant drugs. We calculated CHA₂DS₂-VASc, HASBLED and SAMe-TT2R2 scores for each study participant. Statins, proton pump inhibitors, carbamazepine and amiodarone were the concomitant drugs identified with potential drug interaction with warfarin in patients.


Two hundred and three patients were recruited. Almost one-third of the study population had poor anticoagulation status. CHA₂DS₂-VASc and HASBLED scores were the significant predictors of appropriate anticoagulation. Poor anticoagulation status was observed more commonly in the first 6 months following which improvements were seen. Nearly half-of the time abnormal PT-INR was observed to be either between 2 to 2.4 (for patients with heart valve replacements) or 1.5 to 1.9 (for other indications). Significant number of patients without any potentially interacting drugs was observed with higher risk of supra-therapeutic PT-INR.  


We observed a similar proportion of patients with adequate anticoagulation in our study participants as reported in other populations; and have identified categories at risk for poor anticoagulation. It is the need of the hour to develop in-house algorithm in compliance to international standards for dose titration of warfarin.