A firearm double homicide committed by a paranoid neighbor: a psychopathological study.


Serious mental illness is associated with a higher risk of violent interpersonal behavior. Characteristic traits denoting a psychopathological picture such as schizophrenia, depression, a borderline, or narcissistic, antisocial, or paranoid personality disorder, are frequently observed in the personality of those who have committed one or more murders. For example, mass murderers are affected by a delusional syndrome with a persecution fixation, that develops in a subject with a paranoid, anacastic personality disorder. An abnormal mental framework develops as a consequence of continual experiences interpreted as traumatic.

We present a complex case regarding a double murder whose victims were shot by a 50-year-old neighbor, who underwent a psychiatric evaluation for the assessment of criminal responsibility. In the light of the historical reconstruction of his relation sensitive delusional mindset that triggered the final reaction, his life history, the “key event” and the “triggering environment” (constant conflictual and dysfunctional relations with others) led to the violence. Thecorrect understanding of the reported case demands investigation not only of the clinical, diagnostic and psychodiagnostic aspects, but also of the perpetrator-victim/s, their relational context and the situation where the crime evolves, in order to be able to reconstruct the event in a meaningful manner.


Personality disorder, paranoia, persecutory delusion,  psychiatric evaluation, homicide, shooting.

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