Tumors in patients with neurofibromatosis type 1: a single-center retrospective study.


Objective: To investigate the risk and pattern of tumors in italian neurofibromatosis type 1  (NF1) patients.

Materials and Methods: A retrospective single institution case review of 711 patients (seen between March 1992 and February 2018) with NF1 was conducted to identify individuals with diagnoses of both NF1 and neoplasm. NF1-associated tumors have been collected and analyzed.

Results: We identified 221 tumors in 191 subjects with a percentage of 26.9%, diagnosed at a median age of 32.5 years (range, 0.6-70.1 years); 111 of these patients were females (58%) and all were followed up for a median of 5.3 years. The cumulative risks for tumor in patients with NF1 by the ages of 30 and 60 years were 10% and 42.5%, respectively. In our patients with tumor, overall survival at 70 years was significantly shorter than in those without it (50% vs 95%, P<0.0001). We found an unequivocally increased incidence for breast cancer in females (33 cases observed). 

Conclusions: Tumors that develop in patients with NF1 are heterogeneous, our data are consistent with other reports suggesting an increase in some cancers risk among these individuals, therefore systematic medical follow-up in people with NF1 is important.

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