A rare histopathological spiradenocylindroma: a case report

Parole chiave

Brooke-Spiegler syndrome


Background: Spiradenocylindroma is an extremely rare entity composed by two distinct neoplasms in one lesion: spiradenoma and cylindroma. It may arose solitary or multiple, sporadic or familial and often affect the scalp. Surgical removal is curative and histopathological examination is mandatory for diagnosis.

Aim: The aim of this article is to define the clinical features of spiradenocylindroma and its importance in the differential diagnoses of head and neck tumors.

Case presentation: A 58 years-old female with a preauricolar painless, tender nodule presented to our attention. The patient underwent ultrasonography and MRI, which showed a non-specific cystic lesion. Surgery was performed and histopathological examination revealed a spiradenocylindroma. A 3-years disease-free follow-up was achieved.

Conclusion: Spiradenocylindroma is often misdiagnosed and, in our study, we highlight its role in the differential diagnoses of head and neck masses.