Critical reflections and solutions for health problems of Italian refugees

Parole chiave

Refugees and Migrants
Unhealthy ships
Sea rescue procedures
Healthcare provision


In recent years, the flow of migrants and refugees to EU nations is recorded in high amounts. By traveling through ships or nonhygienic boats most of them tend to have high amount of risk in getting health issues.  However, getting proper healthcare is a fundamental human right since refugees or migrants can actively contribute to the development of host countries and their native nationalities. Therefore, in this paper we try to explore the common diseases that happened to migrants who travel Italy in recent years.

We analyzed the Italian refugees’ data provided by the Italian health ministry in the years 2013-16, and explore the key pathologies and their medical conditions. All the data correctly classified and analyzed depending on their age, gender, and pathologies that they posses   

From 2013 to 2016, in total, 455,912 refugees were traveled into Italy. 74% male, 12% female, and 14% minor refugees were recorded during this period.  In pathologies, rashes or skin diseases (scabies) were happening in often and after scabies pregnancy issues were observed in considerable scale.  Similarly, brain-related problems and surgeries were recorded in lowest in number

In 2015, about 12% of all workers in the EU nationalities were migrants. As of this, it is highly recommended in provision of proper health facilities to them without making any judgments. This paper is aiming to provide prevention methodologies that are in high demand for health care of refugees and migrants